Supported Child Development

What is the Supported Child Development Program (SCD)?

SCD is a provincial program for children from birth to 12 who need extra help in licensed child care settings such as preschools, group child care, family child care, school-age child care.

    How does SCD support your child AND family?

    Once your child starts at a setting and the staff gets to know your child, we will meet with you and the staff to develop an individualized service plan. This plan is to help your child learn new skills and participate in all the activities.

    We will observe your child and check on their progress. We offer strategies and are there to problem solve with the child care staff. Depending on the level of support your child requires, this program can provide funding to your child’s setting to hire a support worker. This can help your child take part in the routines and activities throughout their day.

    Consultants are also available to assist with kindergarten transition and help you with referrals to other community programs and supports. If you are looking for a preschool or child care, contact the Child Care Resource and Referral Program at the Boys and Girls Club at 250- 542-3121 extension 111.


    If you are a child care provider, and you have questions about a child’s development, you can request that a consultant come and observe that child. Click Here to access the NONA Consent to Observe form. Once you have completed this form with the parent, a consultant will be assigned to visit your centre. The consultant will observe the child in different routines, talk with you about what you are seeing, and then contact the parent and share their impressions. This may result in reassurance that the child’s development is on track, or some tips on enhancing that child’s development, a referral to our program, and/or referrals to other services.


    You can refer your child to the SCD Program yourself if your child is attending a licensed preschool or a child care program. Click Here to access the form. Other NONA programs, doctors, community health nurses and other professionals can also make referrals. The NONA SCD Program is voluntary and free of charge.


    Heather Todd
    Supported Child Development Programs Supervisor
    250-549-1281 ext. 206

    Connect with us.

    2802 34 Street, Vernon, BC V1T 5X1

    Phone: 250-549-1281
    Fax: 250-549-3771

    Socialize with us

    Our Mission:

    To strengthen the abilities of children with special needs and to enhance opportunities for them to participate in their community.