Therapy Programs
Therapy Programs
NONA Therapy Programs provide physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech-language therapy to children from birth until they are eligible to enter Kindergarten.
When you start with therapies, we will spend some time getting to know your child and together make a plan for services. We may do formal assessments, or informally assess your child through play and observation.
How does NONA Therapy Programs help your child?
Your child can receive intervention in a variety of ways including consultative services, individual or group intervention, periodic reviews and monitoring, or a combination of these services. The NONA Therapy Programs carry significant caseloads, so your child may be on a waitlist, especially for individual intervention.
We work closely with other NONA programs and are also available to consult to community settings including preschools, daycares and recreation programs.
The Programs
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is about functional independence in mobility, co-ordination and physical development. Physiotherapists target specific goals through functional play activities, daily routines and handling techniques. They can also help with specialized equipment like strollers, AFOs (Ankle-Foot Orthotics), helmets or wheelchairs.
Physiotherapists look at a child’s:
- Strength and muscle control
- Joint mobility
- Balance
- Co-ordination
- Motor abilities
Occupational Therapy
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy focuses on your child’s ability to participate in daily activities and routines. This includes play, self-care (e.g., sleeping, eating, toileting, dressing, bathing, grooming), spending time with friends/family, attending preschool/daycare, and participating in other community activities (e.g., going shopping, to the playground, community programs).
Occupational Therapists look at a child’s:
- Regulation (attention, activity level, emotional regulation)
- Sensory Processing (how your child takes in and responds to sensory experiences)
- Cognitive development
- Social development
- Play skills
- General motor skills
- Fine Motor skills (e.g. hand dominance, how your child picks up and handles toys/objects, building skills, puzzle skills, cutting and paper/pencil skills)
What is Speech-Language Therapy?
Speech-Language Therapy promotes functional communication. Speech-Language Pathologists (S-LPs) target specific goals through play, daily routines, and targeted speech tasks. S-LPs can also help with children who have hearing loss, or children who require augmentative communication systems to communicate.
Speech-Language Pathologists can help children with:
- Understanding language
- Expression of language
- Sound production and sequencing
- Using language socially
- Speaking fluently
You can refer to the Therapy Programs yourself if your child is under the age of 5. Click Here to access the form. Other NONA programs, doctors, community health nurses and other professionals can also make referrals. NONA Therapy Programs are voluntary and free of charge.
Shannon Lewis
NONA Therapies Programs Supervisor
250-549-1281 ext.553
Connect with us.
2802 34 Street, Vernon, BC V1T 5X1
Phone: 250-549-1281
Fax: 250-549-3771
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Our Mission:
To strengthen the abilities of children with special needs and to enhance opportunities for them to participate in their community.